Online Communities are Hard Work: Here are 7 (and a half :) Ideas for Making Building Yours Easier (April 9th)

Mindful Marketplace
Apr 9, 2022
Building a community?

Listen in below.

7 REASONS APRIL 9.mp3 28.02 MB

Online communities aren't easy to build.  Some of the projects I've been most excited about building, were complete disasters.  (expensive wastes of time, attention and entrepreneurial energy I'd love to get back :)  But if you have passion for a project.....there is very little more exciting than creating a community where people come together, discuss, debate, and engage with your ideas, and each other(s) 

Remember, there is no perfect platform, so don't waste weeks, months or years waiting for it to arrive. 

(although if you're building something new in 2022, I'm a big fan of a very little known but super cool platform called "Heartbeat" - simply because they do some innovative things that are quite unique  - and if you're building on a budget, they are ridiculously affordable.    Free trial, here.

There has never been a more exciting time to launch a community than right now.  Whether you're an independent author, artist, maker, marketer, creator or simply a small agency or entrepreneur, a community will make everything you do feel bigger, bolder and much more supportive (and supported) than going at it alone.

Any questions?  Ask away!